He who want to live in peace should never dine with trouble and make war his neighbor, the menace of insecurity in Nigeria is currently at its peak as the spate of bombing is going unabated as well as abduction rate keeps escalating.
Perhaps,this has been powerfully pulling down the most populous black nation in the world(Nigeria) economically,politically even academically amidst others as investors are being scared away as a result of their unwarranted security both in human and business, in actions and in deeds; once investors fail to invest or increase level of investment the economy becomes ailing as one means of accruing income goes truncated.
Education is widely seen as a possibly deliverance from ignorance. Alas! In contemporary Nigeria,its peripheral is outright different to its underlying with the tragic reversal of education to darkness in our country as the prevalent abduction of students in the northern part of the country has in no small way discouraged inhabitants passion for education,academical activities in the area has been slowed down and this would definitely lead to an upsurge in the level of illiteracy, drop-outs,street-strollers,aimless wanderers,juvenile traders. etc and in turn awaken criminals and jobless amidst others as drop-outs can take to robbery and other form of incriminating activities.Besides,the high level of corruption pervades the nation militants against the growth of the country and nutriently breast-feed insecurity ; the security agencies have been politicised which made them become docile and virtually ineffectual.
Paraphrasing Opeyemi Soyombo,"it is a curse for any people created by the Almighty to be. Ruled by guns.The army must never be used for political ends,its tantamount to terrorism because what it seek to do is to drive fear into the populace as a prelude to domination. Rather it should subordinate itself to all civil authorities. The misuse of the police and armed forces in the 1964/65 elections played a major role in the incursion of the military into governance and the attendant wanton depradations.

However, one of the means to rescuing the situation is to unpoliticize and strengthen the military personnel by adequately arming t and rewarding them handsomely to combat the insurgency.

It would be thoughtful of the government if some other diplomatic measures could be employed in arresting the situation such as negotiation as this would even prevent lot of bloodshed as well as save resources and properties that wud av been lost as a result of fighting/war or shoot-out

