The Nigerian Medical Association have finally come out and reacted to the recent sack of 16000 resident doctors within the country by President Goodluck Jonathan.

The Nigerian Medical Association had organized a press briefing today in Abuja and the NMA president, Dr Kayode Obembe told the FG to withdraw the sack order and its directive.

Doctors on Strike

Dr Kayode Obembe said:"NMA demands immediate withdrawal of the suspension circular and unconditional reinstatement of the so-called sacked resident doctors. Government should show commitment on her part in resolving the current impasse with the NMA rather than resorting to punitive measures that will only further aggravate the already deplorable situation. NMA condemns in totality the alleged presidential directive via the Federal Ministry of Health suspending Residency Training Programme in Nigeria".

The NMA head reinstated their war cry that even though Jonathan reinstates the sired doctors, this won't stop their ongoing strike action which has been going on now for over a month.

The Nigerian Medical Association has been involved in a strike action for over a month now, demanding better facilities for their doctors.

Jonathan had ordered the sack of 16000 resident doctors in the nation even though the nation is in war to control the spread of Ebola virus in the nation.

