
When a paddle breaks in the middle of the river, the boatman's confusion produces farting consequences; A new year started happily, suddenly gets very old in just 10weeks out of 52weeks, with too many sad events and shootings and massacres and crashes.
blood is not made in the marketplace,if you think Monkey is foolish,ask Hunter who waited 7 days to eat,foolishness did not create the canons; what a disillusioned/clueless government; and bob marley said How long shall they kill our prophets while we stand aside and look? Old and young are no longer safe, we ply our daily activities with trepidation, many can no longer take 3square daily meals, daily threaten over the closure of schools; incessant hike in fuel price.
Long teeth inside a Big mouth, small ears, Rickety Legs...mischief on the loose; like I read it somewhere " Life generally, is neither a tragedy nor a comedy. More often, it is A Comedy of Errors or you will find it As You Like It. But men make Much Ado About Nothing, declaring Love's Labour's Lost, forgetting that everyone shall be rewarded Measure for Measure"
Let's not resort to war, remember the drama that unfolded in libya; Wish Mummar Gadaffi had been left alone to continue his rule over Libya. See the chaos and disruption in the once stable country. Somebody sure miscalculated.
I'm sure we wouldn't have quicKly forgotten the ikeja bomb blast have we? Maybe I quote this shortnote from the Ikeja bomb blasts. To juggle our memory "And he cried before the corpse of his twelve year old son, knocked down by the blasts, 'O son sing for me as you used to sing'. There was no response. He repeated the wish, wailing in an eerie manner, until he was led away."
It is our fatherland; it belongs to us all, we shouldn't allow a cabal or group of power-drunK people to destory what our heroes shed their bloods to get for us; "Rabbits were already trading in palm kernel before United Africa Company (UAC) came to Sapele." The ZIk's,AWO's,BALEWA's,BELLO's and the likes were not inhuman,gullible, ruthless and mindless like you are now; yet they were the first to mount those seats upon which you now sit to perpetrate your dastardly acts and nearly pummel the economy and play our lives like chess;We are not going to reduce the size of the monarch's head for the cap to fit; let us take the cap back to the tailor.
What would a football say, if it had the capacity to speak, while being kicked from one end of the field to the other and at the end of play nobody remembers it? We should never allow our dear Nigeria turn football, we have got no where to run to; THIS IS MY NIGERIA! THIS IS YOUR NIGERIA ; LET'S SPEAk THROUGH OUR VOTE, we cannot put up with this anymore.
God bless #PROF_HOPE_EGHAGHA from whose work I got the inspiration.

