Alors on danse 🏀 #EnAfrique ⚽ #AfriqueDuSud
By t on Aug 05, 2021 08:43 pm
Puppets dance in the streets of Johannesburg, SA
2. Shangaan dancing at
Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
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events x music : the NewsBuka story ... How NewsBuka started TEN YEARS AGO 💥💤😁🌱👽 How tall oaks from little acorns grow
By t on Jul 31, 2021 05:16 pm As part of the 10th anniversary celebration, I've written a brief history:
Part One,
Part Two, and now we have Part Three of Three!
Annnyway, here we go:
Nigerian Youth, irrepressible in the face of economic recession, kept creating and connecting till we started hosting end-of-year musical showcases that just grew and grew in popularity.
What else happened at the blog formerly known as Nigeria News Buka?
Of course,
Dance, Dance, Dance.
I noticed that facebook blocked this blog, maybe because it had been posted too many times for free :-) It's still blocked. How could I forget this seismic, global, and ongoing event:
Then Nigeria had protests as well. It's best to not delve into that. I
changed the blog name, and the tag line too. It used to be
"I love my country, I no go lie" - great song - and now it is
"serving everybody." You know what
a buka is, right? A local restaurant, hence "serving" 😁
All day today, I have looked at hundreds of past posts to create this post and now I feel tired. Suddenly I'm overwhelmed with the Old Testament Proverbs' conclusion that All is vanity.
Of course there'll be more posts.
( Let me drink more water. )
I look forward to it all.
( I need to rest. )
Let me be more upbeat to close:
Subscribe, eh. NEWSBUKA for all the burning topics in Nigerian society and beyond.
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