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REAL bubbler

Alors on danse 🏀 #EnAfrique ⚽ #AfriqueDuSud

By t on Aug 05, 2021 08:43 pm

1. Puppets dance in the streets of Johannesburg, SA
2. Shangaan dancing at Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe 

NEWSBUKA for all the burning topics in Nigerian society and beyond. GeT FREE EmAiL UpDaTeS."   Advertisement: booksss about boyz and girlz.

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events x music : the NewsBuka story ... How NewsBuka started TEN YEARS AGO 💥💤😁🌱👽 How tall oaks from little acorns grow

By t on Jul 31, 2021 05:16 pm

As part of the 10th anniversary celebration, I've written a brief history: Part One, Part Two, and now we have Part Three of Three! 
MUSICAL INTERLUDE <== Yeah, love music on this blog!  
Annnyway, here we go: 

Nigerian Youth, irrepressible in the face of economic recession, kept creating and connecting till we started hosting end-of-year musical showcases that just grew and grew in popularity.  
Long Live Detty December.  
What else happened at the blog formerly known as Nigeria News Buka?  
Of course, 
Dance, Dance, Dance.  
I noticed that facebook blocked this blog, maybe because it had been posted too many times for free :-)  It's still blocked.   How could I forget this seismic, global, and ongoing event: CORONAVIRUS.  
Then Nigeria had protests as well.  It's best to not delve into that.  I changed the blog name, and the tag line too.  It used to be "I love my country, I no go lie" - great song - and now it is "serving everybody."  You know what a buka is, right?  A local restaurant, hence "serving" 😁 

All day today, I have looked at hundreds of past posts to create this post and now I feel tired.  Suddenly I'm overwhelmed with the Old Testament Proverbs' conclusion that  All is vanity.  
Of course there'll be more posts.  
( Let me drink more water. ) 
I look forward to it all.  
( I need to rest. ) 

Let me be more upbeat to close: 
Beauty happens here, excellence happens here, good things are curated here and offered with great cheer - love it, will be back!  

Subscribe, eh.  
NEWSBUKA for all the burning topics in Nigerian society and beyond. 
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