oyindamola adefila wins big at campus mega award 2018 ..here are the excerpt of the interview with ROSANATION... She tells us how she stood tall to be crown the best female model on campus at the biggest award for student in south west nigeria... Campus mega award 2018 the 5th edition...

Can we meet you?

*My names are Adefila Oyindamola,a student of Kwara state polytechnic

Tell us about your educational background?

*I attended Frontline Comprehensive College,I grew up there starting from my primary and secondary school days,Kwara state polytechnic as the higher institution

Can you tells how you won the face of cma2017 and best model at cmawards 2018 ?

*To win the face of CMA and the Best Model wasn’t an easy task,I registered online,looked for people’s votes,my elder brother helped me alot by getting more votes in his school(MAPOLY)did every necessary things and put God first

Can you tell us about your project as face of can 2017

*God,Family,friends actually made my project a sweet and memorable one to everyone,thought about going to an orphanage home and it actually came out good,everyone contributed to it,One love made it sweeter💋

How was your parent reaction to your choice of been a model

*Hmmmm🤔My dad wasn’t in support at first,thanks to my mum,she is the fashion type so that actually made it work out

If you are to describe the feeling of winning the best model female at campus mega awards 2018 what will you say ?

*That very day!!!I felt like I was untop of the world,I was so happy,felt like a queen which definitely i was😂Never expected it tho😉

We heard you are studying public administration.... What is your true calling modelling or public administration  ?

*Both!Have always been a fashionista!always wanted to be a model,I can surely go deeper through publicity,been a public administrator I can surely be outspoken,gain attention and much more be attractive

You did a project as face of cma 2017 should we expect another project as best  female  model on campus Nigeria 2018 ?

*I don’t loose hope!hopefully
I can😉

What are the things you would like to achieve before you take a bow in your modelling career?

*Make mama proud,Miss Nigeria 2025

Who are your role model ?
*My Mother!!Akintade  Omotolani

If you are to meet a living legend / idol who will it be? 

*Adetutu(face model)

How do handle advances from the opposite sex?

*I don’t ridicule any guy,in a normal way

Are you under and modelling

Oh yes!  R22models based in lagos nigeria

How do you relax?

*I take a nap at my leisure time

What your favourite quote?

*You survived what you thought will kill you,Now straighten your crown and move forward like the queen you are

Advice for the youths?

*Never relent,challenges will surely come,Endurance matters alot

Any vote of thanks or appreciation / special dedication

*A big shoutout to my mother,she never gets tired of me.A big thank you to Omotolani,though she is overseas but still advices and supports me anyday anytime.Special dedication to my Makinde Gbemileke and Itunuoluwa.I love them

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